Creating a Habit. Start this week with Bike to Work Day.

This coming Wednesday, Fort Collins celebrates one of my favorite days of the year: Bike to Work day. Been thinking about adding this to your life? Habit expert Christine Whelan offers these tips, to which I’ve added bike-to-work strategies:

  • Start small and specific, such as riding to work on Mondays and Wednesdays.
  • Determine what you’ll need to add and subtract to make room for this change. For instance, it will likely take you more time to bike than to drive. Over 50% of workers live within 10 miles of their workplace, a commute that will take an average of 40 minutes, as compared to 20 minutes each way by car. That’s 40 additional minutes you’ll need to find in your day. But if you’re looking to exercise more, the time tradeoff would balance out. And eventually you may want to invest in some additional gear—fenders, for example—but you can do that down the line with what you save in car expenses.
  • Get clear on why you’re making this change. For me, I like maintaining my health in such a no-brainer way (the British Medical Journal published a study showing biking to work reduces risk of death by more than 40%), enjoying nature, and saving on car costs.
  • Go public. Telling others of your intentions creates accountability. For instance, you could post a weekly picture from your commute on LinkedIn as a check-in. And joining a group, such as Bike Fort Collins on Facebook, can help you stay inspired.
  • Celebrate your progress. Meet up with other bike-commuting friends at one of Fort Collins’ many fabulous microbreweries after work one day each month to raise a glass to your successes.
  • Automate the behavior. This is the hardest step that will eventually become your easiest. Stick with your plan for 90 days to cement the habit, and after that, routine will keep you going.

This Wednesday will be a great day to start, as stations will be set up on the trails and around town providing goodies and support. Check out for maps and details.


Photo Credit: © Xavier Marchant | Dreamstime Stock Photos