Job Searching Over 45

I have worked with many clients who worry that their age will adversely affect their job prospects. They tell me, “no one wants to hire someone my age,” and this mindset leads them to feel defeated before they’ve even started looking. It is true that we exist in a working culture where age discrimination can and sometimes does happen. But you shouldn’t let that fear stop you from continuing to pursue your career and job interests. Remember: you have a depth of experience and knowledge of your industry and field that younger workers lack. Use that knowledge to identify hiring companies and...

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LinkedIn for Career Changers

I have worked with quite a few people to develop and optimize their LinkedIn profiles, and one of the questions that I often get is “how do I make this suitable for a new career?” Lots of clients come in concerned that, because they’re trying to move to a new position outside their comfort zone, they won’t be able to use LinkedIn to find new opportunities. I am here to tell you, today, that this simply is not true. You can use LinkedIn to find new opportunities regardless of where you are in your career process; you just need to know the right techniques for you! Here are a few of my...

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Several Super Salary Sites

Salary is one of those topics which can determine whether or not a job seeker will accept a job offer or decline it. It’s also a topic that is hard to get a handle on, especially when first entering the job market or making a move from one industry/position to a different one. However, there are a number of online resources you can use to help get an idea of the potential salary for any given position. This resource, while not always easy to use, will let you look at the bell curve of salary for different positions in your area. You can compare different position titles,...

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5 Things to Consider When Making a Career Change

So here we are again! The earth has completed its rotation around the sun, the year has looped around to the beginning, and everyone is getting ready to make their New Year’s resolutions. For some people, this will mean going to the gym more often. For others, it will mean thoroughly cleaning out closets, attics, and garages. And for still others, it will mean looking critically at their job situation and deciding it’s time to make a change. If you are one of the many people thinking of making a career change, then know that you are not alone. But before you dive headlong into the career...

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How to Prepare a Resume That Works at Age 40, 50, or 60!

If you feel as though your age is keeping hiring managers from calling you for interviews, there are ways to revise your résumé to avoid disqualifying yourself while still capitalizing on your experience. A few months ago, I had the opportunity to attend a national résumé writers’ conference that pinpointed the need for job seekers over 40 to be aware of how their presentation can help or hinder their job search. Here are 3 quick ways to turn a résumé challenge into an opportunity: Challenge: Looking “too old” or “too expensive” to a younger hiring manager. Opportunity: You likely have an...

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