Building a habit for success.

A blank slate, fresh start, and new beginning; that’s the glorious gift we’re given each time the next year begins. And you, along with me and 40% of the US population, may have defined some hopes for 2018. Yet when it comes to achieving our aims, the odds are against us: research shows that of 100 goal setters, only eight will have success. Yet there’s a secret weapon that can help us join that minority group of winners, and that’s habit. Turns out that about 40% of what we do in any given day is driven by routine. An event triggers a response and without thinking, we follow through....

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Using Rock Star Success Stories To Land Your Next Job!

Lucky you, you’ve been selected to interview for what may be your dream job. But then you discover you’ll be up against nine other hopefuls, and you ask yourself, “How can I be the chosen one?” My favorite strategy for standing out to is arm yourself with a handful of rock-star success stories relevant to the position you’re targeting, and be ready to share them in the interview. For example, talking with a machinist on the hunt for a new job, I asked him to describe a time when he’d demonstrated his expertise in that specialty. Soon he was recounting a situation where he’d pushed purchasing...

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