How to Move Onward and Upward in Your Career

As professionals, we are all interested – for various reasons – in improving our work situation. These improvements can take a variety of forms: more responsibility, more money, an office with a door, an office with a window, flexibility to work from home, etc. I have some ideas on what you can do to improve your chances at achieving some or all of these changes. Be kind and respectful to EVERYONE. Most, maybe all, work cultures have a hierarchy. Sometimes it’s really clear who has power and who does not. Other times it may be more “flat” but power differentials are always there. However,...

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What is Company Culture?

In the library of my elementary school, there was a table that had large picture books on it. Many editions of Where’s Waldo were scattered there, along with a number of alphabet books. But the one book that was consistently bickered over and forcefully wrenched from the hands of one student by another, was a book of optical illusions. A vase became someone’s face, a young woman turned into an older woman, and no one was quite sure how many sides that triangle had. Every person saw the images in a slightly different way, and many arguments were had over what was the “correct” image. In a lot...

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Finding Your Focus

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It is a simple question we ask of our children from the time they can talk and know what an astronaut is. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” We outline the possibility that they can be anything: a doctor, a space explorer, a dancer, a writer, a scientist, an artist. The possibilities seem absolutely boundless. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Do you want to pursue a passion for discovery, charting unknown territories of the deep sea, the human body, outer space? Do you want to create art, visual, auditory, or otherwise, that...

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Life-Long Learning and Career Advancement

You may not believe it, but it wasn’t until high school that I heard the term “lifelong learner,” and not until college that I understood what was meant by it. I always knew you received some professional training upon starting a new career, but it hadn’t crossed my mind that you could independently go out and find new opportunities for education and growth. However, contrary to the belief of 16-year-old me, professional development and the practice of being a life-long learner go hand in hand. What do I mean by “life-long learner,” you may ask. It’s a valid question. The impression it gives...

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Looking Forward: Creating Goals in 2016

Janus, the two-faced Roman god, represented doorways, time, endings, and beginnings. On Tuesday, I gave you a way to acknowledge and feel pride in your accomplishments from 2015. Now, it’s time to look into the New Year and begin taking on your goals for 2016! But wait. How do you pick achievable yet important goals? How do you pick the next mountain you are going to climb and know what to pack for the trip? I can’t tell you what goal you should set your sights on—that process is entirely individual. Maybe you want to take on that project you’ve been thinking about recently. Maybe you want...

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