Building a habit for success.

A blank slate, fresh start, and new beginning; that’s the glorious gift we’re given each time the next year begins. And you, along with me and 40% of the US population, may have defined some hopes for 2018. Yet when it comes to achieving our aims, the odds are against us: research shows that of 100 goal setters, only eight will have success. Yet there’s a secret weapon that can help us join that minority group of winners, and that’s habit. Turns out that about 40% of what we do in any given day is driven by routine. An event triggers a response and without thinking, we follow through....

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Creating a Habit. Start this week with Bike to Work Day.

This coming Wednesday, Fort Collins celebrates one of my favorite days of the year: Bike to Work day. Been thinking about adding this to your life? Habit expert Christine Whelan offers these tips, to which I’ve added bike-to-work strategies: Start small and specific, such as riding to work on Mondays and Wednesdays. Determine what you’ll need to add and subtract to make room for this change. For instance, it will likely take you more time to bike than to drive. Over 50% of workers live within 10 miles of their workplace, a commute that will take an average of 40 minutes, as compared to 20...

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