How to make your vision a reality!

If you’ve been following along over the last few installments, then you know we’ve been talking about a career vision: what it is, how to create one, and this week, how you can act it to make it a reality. Ideas on paper are one thing, but truly realizing what’s inspiring for you, that’s your ultimate goal! Your vision is just the start of ideas. They will, like little acorns, be able to take root and grow with the right nurturing. And if you remember at the very beginning of this conversation, I talked about a surprise tip, so here you go: research shows that a vision without a...

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Why the In-between isn’t Always So Bad

We have all been there. You’ve just finished up one section of your life, and are waiting to embark on the next. You’ve tidied up all the loose ends from your last endeavor, you’ve begun planning for your next opportunity, maybe you’ve even done a little physical cleaning around your house/apartment to make way for the future. However, it seems the future is still some way off, so now you are faced with the waiting game. You are in the In-between. We’ve all been there, some of us more often than others. It’s not a very fun place to be, especially when you feel pressure either internally or...

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7 Ways to Career Plan Effectively

In Elementary school, I was under the impression that when you graduated college you were handed both a degree and a career path. “Congratulations on finishing 16+ years of education, here is what your career path looks like based on those 16+ years!” You may be chuckling to yourself, but you can’t blame seven-year-old me for imagining this to be the case. However, it turns out that a “career” is a much more complex and mutable beast than 7 or even 21 year-old me thought it would be. Careers take planning, but planning something as capricious as a career can seem a daunting task. Before you...

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Five Interviewing Tips (That You Might Not Normally Consider)

Interviewing is difficult at the best of times, and can be impossible if you struggle with nervousness or stage fright. Trying to showcase your best abilities while also stopping your hands from shaking is a daunting task, but there are ways to decrease your nerves and put your best foot forward in job interviews, several of which many people don’t think of. Stand while you’re waiting. This may not work, especially if you’re waiting for a while, but standing up does two things. First, it opens up your diaphragm for better air flow, which will help to slow your breathing if you tend to...

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Knock, knock…Who’s there? Your cover letter!

Do I really need a cover letter? YES! It is the “knock on the door” before being invited in. Cover letters are an introduction to skills, expertise, and background that your resume cannot convey. A resume is focused on you; a cover letter is focused on the company. Your cover letter allows you to emphasize specific examples in your career that relate to the job you are applying for. When writing your cover letter, be brief. Most hiring managers will only glance at your cover letter.   Who are you and why are you here? Have a strong opening statement. Catch their attention right away by...

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