Ten Quick Resume Tips

Let’s be honest: creating a resume is hard, especially if it’s been awhile. You are challenged to fit all your employment history, qualifications, education, certifications, interests, hobbies, and personal information onto a one–to-two page document. Oh, and it needs to look nice. Scared yet? Yeah, me too. But take a deep breath, because it’s actually not all that bad. Here for you I have provided ten quick tips to help your next resume dress to impress! Make some lists. Before you even begin your resume, create bullet-pointed lists of your past experience, volunteer work, awards,...

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Ten Quick Tips on Social Media Job Searching

Last time I wrote, we talked about how valuable social media platforms can be in the job search process. Today, I would like to give you some tips on how to actually employ social media forums in your job search. Don’t neglect your LinkedIn. Many people create a LinkedIn account with the best of intentions, only to forget about it a few weeks later. This is a mistake. Arduous as the task may seem, it is in your best interest to stay abreast of happenings on LinkedIn: update your photo, update your jobs, create more connections. LinkedIn is one of the primary ways job seekers are now getting...

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How to Be at Your Best in a World of Change and Challenge

There is a wide range of ideas about what it means to have a successful career—it’s up to you to come up with your own definition. Some people are happiest climbing the career ladder into positions of increasing authority, visibility, and compensation. Others are most satisfied in a job where they are able to do what they love and have stability. Maybe you see work not a career but as a job—something you do to make money that enables you to pursue interests or adventures that give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. All of these—and many other variations—are all good definitions. It...

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