To Put or Not To Put: Resume Writing

When I wrote my first professional resume, my instinct was to include everything I’d ever done on it. This not only resulted in a poorly written resume, but it never landed me any interviews because my accomplishments weren’t relevant to the position, or didn’t include the right keywords. I thought a successful resume included everything, rather than being targeted The Hamlet reference in this article’s title (and photo) encompasses the question I learned to ask myself whenever I wrote a resume. To put or not to put, that is the question! Creating a targeted resume necessitates you...

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Chronological Versus Functional Resumes

Resume writing. Whether you love it or you hate, it’s something you’ll probably have to deal with at some point in your life. Many people write resumes with the understanding that it’s the resume that gets them the job. This is a misconception; resumes don’t get you the job, but they can ensure you don’t get the job if you submit a bad one. A resume’s purpose is, instead, to entice hiring managers to interview you. The interview is, ultimately, what will get you the job. Having said that, a well-written and formatted resume is paramount in a successful job search. Before you begin writing...

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5 Quick Tips About Networking on LinkedIn for Introverts

I’m on LinkedIn; now what? This question is frequently posed once someone’s set up an account and is stymied by “what’s next.” What should you being doing with your LinkedIn profile? How do you use LinkedIn to network effectively, especially if you’re not a naturally outgoing person? Picture yourself in a real-life networking situation. There are people moving easily around the room, making introductions, and gathering contact information to follow up with later. If this makes your heart race with anxiety, then building your network online offers a definite advantage. Tip #1: Like in-person...

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