Stop Dreaming About a Career Change and Start Making It Happen!

You’ve thought about a career change for a while, the ideas rolling around in your head. But for whatever reason you haven’t really acted on any of them. You’re a motivated, talented person…so why are you stuck? Chances are it’s because you don’t have enough information to make an informed decision. But lucky for you, that’s what I’ll be covering in the next few blogs: one of my very favorite topics, career exploration, and I’ve seen hundreds of times how it can really move things forward. In my experience, career exploration step is by far the most important step in the career change...

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How to craft accomplishments for career growth success!

According to a study conducted by Everest College, a whopping 92% of Americans fear job interviews. Why? One of the most cited reasons is performance based. Candidates are unsure of what to say to answer those perceived complicated questions. But what if we told you there was a simple and effective way to reduce your interview anxiety, leave a positive lasting impression and increase your chances of getting the job? The answer is in Success Stories!   What do interviewers look for in candidates? Most often, they attempt to gauge your listening skills. They want to establish a base line...

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How to make your vision a reality!

If you’ve been following along over the last few installments, then you know we’ve been talking about a career vision: what it is, how to create one, and this week, how you can act it to make it a reality. Ideas on paper are one thing, but truly realizing what’s inspiring for you, that’s your ultimate goal! Your vision is just the start of ideas. They will, like little acorns, be able to take root and grow with the right nurturing. And if you remember at the very beginning of this conversation, I talked about a surprise tip, so here you go: research shows that a vision without a...

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Articulating priority factors in your career future!

In my last blog, I discussed what exactly a career vision is and how it can be helpful to you.  Now let’s shift into doing a little bit of work, articulating priority factors in your career future. As I go through this, it is likely going to bring up some things for you, and it may not be comfortable. I know from experience helping thousands of clients this can be an uncomfortable process for people. Why? Here’s one reason: I’ve done quite a bit of work with personal development guru Tony Robbins, and he talks about the concept of certainty versus uncertainty. As humans, most of...

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Strengths: How to apply them for greater career satisfaction. Part 3.

In my previous 2 blogs, I laid out a strategy for identifying your top strengths, and then translating them into potential career roles, all toward helping you find ways to increase your career satisfaction. Now let’s spend a little time talking about specific career-satisfaction-boosting strategies. One thing I’ve noticed in my 20 plus years as a career counselor is that people love the identifying their strengths, but then aren’t sure how to apply them in their careers more successfully. Here are strategies for doing that! Strategy #1: Get involved in projects that use your...

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Strengths: How to apply them for greater career satisfaction. Part 2.

In our last blog exercise, you defined your top 3 strengths. In this article, I’ll show you how to begin applying them in your work, and one of the most valuable steps is to translate those strengths into roles. You can also think of roles as potential job titles. For instance, I’ll translate a few strengths into roles: Conceptualizing ideas: Artist, designer, planner, troubleshooter Organizing: Coordinator, project manager, manager, director Leadership: Manager, director, project manager Conflict Resolution: Mediator, counselor, case manager Making connections between disparate ideas:...

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