Several Super Salary Sites

Salary is one of those topics which can determine whether or not a job seeker will accept a job offer or decline it. It’s also a topic that is hard to get a handle on, especially when first entering the job market or making a move from one industry/position to a different one. However, there are a number of online resources you can use to help get an idea of the potential salary for any given position. This resource, while not always easy to use, will let you look at the bell curve of salary for different positions in your area. You can compare different position titles,...

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Life-Long Learning and Career Advancement

You may not believe it, but it wasn’t until high school that I heard the term “lifelong learner,” and not until college that I understood what was meant by it. I always knew you received some professional training upon starting a new career, but it hadn’t crossed my mind that you could independently go out and find new opportunities for education and growth. However, contrary to the belief of 16-year-old me, professional development and the practice of being a life-long learner go hand in hand. What do I mean by “life-long learner,” you may ask. It’s a valid question. The impression it gives...

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The 12 Days of Career Coaching: Day 12!!

On the twelfth day of Career Coaching, Katy helps you figure out ways to march to your own drummer and find focus in your career. Enjoy the short video below for more, and if you want to catch up on the rest of this video series, head over to our Youtube channel, Your Career Clarity. If you’ve enjoyed this video series, consider subscribing for more helpful career tips! As the New Year approaches, we at Career Solutions Group would like to thank you for your support and interest. If you are considering making a career change, or interested in more effective ways to network and job...

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The 12 Days of Career Coaching: Day 11

On the eleventh day of Career Coaching, Katy shows you how to “follow your tune” and search for jobs the right way! Check out the video below for more, and if you’ve missed the rest of this video series, hop over to our Youtube channel, Your Career Clarity to catch up on the last ten days. If you enjoyed this series, consider subscribing. Are you thinking of making a career change in the New Year? Would you like professional help to make the transition? Email us at We offer free initial consultations and have helped hundreds of career changers...

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The 12 Days of Career Coaching: Day 10

On the tenth day of Career Coaching, Katy helps you decide whether its time to take the “leap” into a new career! Enjoy the video below for more tips, and if you’re just joining us for this video series, hop over to our Youtube channel, Your Career Clarity, to enjoy the videos of the past nine days! If you would like more excellent tips on your career and job search, consider subscribing! Are you thinking of taking a “leap” in this next year. Would you like support as you work to make a job transition? Email us at We offer free...

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