Are you a fraud?

I’ve worked as a career counselor since 1993, logging over 25,000 hours of client time, and there are still days when I feel like a phony. A client can ask for advice, and I can give my opinion based on observing the results of others I’ve supported, but I can’t predict how things will turn out. Each person is unique, each situation is different, and my work doesn’t operate with formulaic precision. Wikipedia defines Imposter Syndrome as, ”…a concept describing high-achieving individuals who are marked by an inability to internalize their accomplishments and a persistent fear of being...

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Pay It Forward! Benefits to you and others for helping out.

Last Monday, I overheard my husband Pete as he had a conversation with a recruiter. Pete works as a firmware engineer, a specialty that lately has been in strong demand. Because he maintains a complete profile on LinkedIn and has strong experience, he frequently gets calls from headhunters. Yet he’s happy in his current position, so I was curious about how he’d handle the call. Would he say, “Thanks for reaching out, but I’m all set for now”, or something different? What he did raised my already-high opinion of him. First, he listened patiently to what the recruiter was seeking, including...

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