7 Well Known Career Changers

In the world of work today, it can sometimes feel like everyone is on track except for you. However, this impression is simply not true. In fact, many people make a career transition at some point in their life, and some of these career changers are pretty prominent in popular culture. Here are seven well known career changers who started their professional lives in different fields than where they ended up: Walt Disney. The creator of the giant entertainment company started his career as a newspaper editor—apparently a really bad one. He was fired because he “lacked imagination and had no...

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The Climb: Picking Career Goals

One of my good friends climbs mountains. It makes sense—we live in Colorado, and she is passionately dedicated to athleticism and the outdoors. As for me, I am less into climbing mountains than I am into looking at them. However, one day over coffee, she was telling me about all the research she did in preparation to climb a mountain recently. Her comments made me think about how similar climbing that mountain is to following a career goal. Sure, one of them involves more imminent danger than the other (to my mind, unschooled as I am in mountain climbing). However, both involve doing your...

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Business Pain and the Job Search

A term which gets a lot of talk these days is “Business Pain.” For many job seekers, this term seems ambiguous at best. Business pain? What the heck is that, and why are we only now hearing about it? Business pain boils down to big problems that managers have to face. Designing a prettier product isn’t business pain, but extreme employee dissatisfaction is. These pains are large problems that cause issues within the system of the business as a whole. Business pain has been around for years, but has only recently entered the vernacular under that title. And solving these big pains is one of...

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3 Questions to Ask Prior to Taking a Job

You’ve been made an offer of employment! Hooray! Huzzah! You survived the evaluation of resumes, the gauntlet of interviews, and your patience and perseverance have been rewarded. You have every right to be excited, and probably a little relieved. However, before you say “yes” to the offer take some time to make sure you know what you will be getting. After all, you will (probably) stay with this company for some time. You want to make sure that time is well spent and positive. So when you hear from the company, graciously thank them and ask for some time to evaluate the offer. Generally,...

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When Is It Time to Make a Change?

Career paths are not set in stone, and they do not fall into a person’s lap fully formed and ready to be followed through to their conclusion. Rather, careers are a process of trial and error. I imagine them like a closet full of clothing when getting ready for a dinner party. You have a general idea of what to wear; after all, this is a dinner party so you won’t be wearing your sweatpants and college t-shirt. But should you wear the black dress or the blue? Do you prefer the green striped tie, or the bright red one? Sometimes, the only way to decide is to try it on and determine if it fits...

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