Post-Interview: The Follow-Up

If you’re like me, then after you’ve had an interview, you smile and shake the hand of the hiring manager before heading out to your car feeling alternately triumphant and nervous. And then you wait. And wait. And wait. Sometimes, you’ll hear right away. Only a day or two will go by before you’ll receive an email, proclaiming the news either way. But more often than not, a week or three or even four will go by without hearing anything. Occasionally, you won’t have any reply at all, and be left to draw your own conclusions. This seems to be the unavoidable nature of interviewing. However,...

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Five Interview Do Nots

Interviewing is a moment in the job search that never fails to be nerve-wracking. You sit in a new place, perhaps wearing an uncomfortable outfit, and do your best to be impressive while also sounding humble. Most of us will sit through many interviews during our career, possibly on either end of the process, but if you’re preparing for an imminent interview, here are some tips on what NOT to do when you walk into the office. Don’t forget to do your homework. Remember showing up to class and having only done a small portion of the reading? You might not want to admit it, but this probably...

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Using Social Media to Help Nail your Interview

I’ve written a number of posts about using social media in the job search: finding jobs, contacting recruiters, promoting a positive image, etc. But what about interviewing? The job interview is one of the most important parts of the job search process, as it allows the company to see if the candidate would be a good fit, and the candidate to scope out whether they like the company. This latter point is where social media can offer assistance. Before even considering the job interview, go back through your social media. Are all the pictures and content appropriate? Have you turned on your...

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Five Interviewing Tips (That You Might Not Normally Consider)

Interviewing is difficult at the best of times, and can be impossible if you struggle with nervousness or stage fright. Trying to showcase your best abilities while also stopping your hands from shaking is a daunting task, but there are ways to decrease your nerves and put your best foot forward in job interviews, several of which many people don’t think of. Stand while you’re waiting. This may not work, especially if you’re waiting for a while, but standing up does two things. First, it opens up your diaphragm for better air flow, which will help to slow your breathing if you tend to...

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The Interview – Critical and Seldom Practiced

The Job Interview is critical – its importance cannot be underestimated. It can be the reason you are offered a job, or not. It is also something we don’t practice much, a combination that almost guarantees nervousness. Just thinking about going through with an interview can cause anxiety. However, there are ways you can prepare for it, find ways to control your nervousness, and be the best you can be. I want to be clear that everyone is nervous during an interview. If you weren’t, you would not be human. But if you are too nervous you will come across as lacking confidence, being...

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