Job Stress: Sources and Suggestions

Job stress is a universal equalizer. Everyone has experienced it or will experience it at some point in their lives. And it seems like stress in the workplace has only increased in recent years. A study conducted by Harris Interactive in 2001 (see link below) reported that nearly 80% of respondents reported some stress on the job, and 25% felt like screaming because of the stress. Another study conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reported that 40% of respondents identified their job as very or extremely stressful (see link below). From these...

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7 Well Known Career Changers

In the world of work today, it can sometimes feel like everyone is on track except for you. However, this impression is simply not true. In fact, many people make a career transition at some point in their life, and some of these career changers are pretty prominent in popular culture. Here are seven well known career changers who started their professional lives in different fields than where they ended up: Walt Disney. The creator of the giant entertainment company started his career as a newspaper editor—apparently a really bad one. He was fired because he “lacked imagination and had no...

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Resource Round-Up: 5 Job Seeker Sites

I am a research oriented person. I love delving deep into the minutiae of an issue, examining it from multiple angles. I believe that knowledge is power, doubly so when it can be applied to such an important process as the job search process. Here at Career Solutions Group, we have developed lots of different techniques for doing job research for our clients. One of these techniques includes sampling information from lots of different resources. Today, I’d like to share some of my favorite online job search resources with you. Here are five great websites for career changers: LinkedIn....

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Characteristics of a Career Explorer

Several years ago, I decided that I was ready for a career change. I had worked in various positions within my field for over ten years. Despite my interest in a career change, my only movement towards making it was to think about it. In fact, I thought about making this change for two years. Every time I believed I was ready to make a move, the voice of security and the fear of the unknown would lull me back into complacency. After two years of waffling, I decided to hire a career counselor to help me through this process. As a result, I learned a few things about myself and the tools I...

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Long Term Benefits of Career Counseling

There have been a number of studies done over the past couple of decades to examine the short-term effectiveness of career counseling. The effectiveness of career counseling in these studies has been consistently demonstrated; career counseling helps improve career position and prepare the individual for the job search process. However, a study published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior and conducted by Sophie Perdrix, Sarah Stauffer, Jonas Masdonati, Koorosh Massoudi, and Jérôme Rossier found that career counseling also had positive impacts on individuals in the long term. The study...

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