Climbing in the Right Direction

Career progression as a process has changed significantly in the past few decades. It used to be that employees would stay with the same company for decades, and possibly for their entire career. When this was the case, companies had a vested interested in developing an employee, helping them to climb their career ladder with promotions and career development. Today, however, with turnover being much higher, companies won’t usually actively invest in an employee’s career progression. What this means is an employee often has to embark on career development by themselves. When you decide to...

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Job Stress: Sources and Suggestions

Job stress is a universal equalizer. Everyone has experienced it or will experience it at some point in their lives. And it seems like stress in the workplace has only increased in recent years. A study conducted by Harris Interactive in 2001 (see link below) reported that nearly 80% of respondents reported some stress on the job, and 25% felt like screaming because of the stress. Another study conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reported that 40% of respondents identified their job as very or extremely stressful (see link below). From these...

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3 Questions to Ask Prior to Taking a Job

You’ve been made an offer of employment! Hooray! Huzzah! You survived the evaluation of resumes, the gauntlet of interviews, and your patience and perseverance have been rewarded. You have every right to be excited, and probably a little relieved. However, before you say “yes” to the offer take some time to make sure you know what you will be getting. After all, you will (probably) stay with this company for some time. You want to make sure that time is well spent and positive. So when you hear from the company, graciously thank them and ask for some time to evaluate the offer. Generally,...

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Salary Expectation & Negotiation: A Perspective

Money, get away. Get a good job with more pay and you’re okay. – Pink Floyd “Money” (1973) In today’s society, almost everyone needs some money. Most feel like they either want or need more, and our jobs are usually the biggest source of income. For many years if you stayed at a job you could expect annual pay increases by working hard, being reliable, etc. and promotions were held up as a carrot. When thinking about how much you get paid (hourly or salary) it is important to consider the value of the benefits that come with the job. The most obvious is health insurance, but there can...

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Five Ways to Propel Your Career Forwards

Moving forward, regardless of situation, is hard. Moving forward from a failure can be difficult because of a fear of future failure. You’re probably also stressed at the thought of conflicts ahead. However, moving forward from a success can be difficult as well. You’ve finally succeeded, and realistically you want time to relax and recuperate. More than likely, you’re coming down from a stress high after working to achieve your goal for who knows how long. However, the key to moving forward from either situation is the same; use the emotional drive to propel yourself towards your next...

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