When Is It Time to Make a Change?

Career paths are not set in stone, and they do not fall into a person’s lap fully formed and ready to be followed through to their conclusion. Rather, careers are a process of trial and error. I imagine them like a closet full of clothing when getting ready for a dinner party. You have a general idea of what to wear; after all, this is a dinner party so you won’t be wearing your sweatpants and college t-shirt. But should you wear the black dress or the blue? Do you prefer the green striped tie, or the bright red one? Sometimes, the only way to decide is to try it on and determine if it fits...

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Salary Negotiation: Tips and Tricks

A number of studies have shown that job seekers—particularly those new to the job search process—choose not to negotiate salary when a job offer is made to them. In the current job search climate, where a job search can end up taking months, this is not surprising. The instinct would be to jump at the first job offer made to you. In addition, many new job seekers and career changers are simply unfamiliar with the tactics used in salary negotiation. Salary negotiation is an unspoken option, one not everyone knows about. However, knowing and negotiating for your value in the work place is a...

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Five Ways to Propel Your Career Forwards

Moving forward, regardless of situation, is hard. Moving forward from a failure can be difficult because of a fear of future failure. You’re probably also stressed at the thought of conflicts ahead. However, moving forward from a success can be difficult as well. You’ve finally succeeded, and realistically you want time to relax and recuperate. More than likely, you’re coming down from a stress high after working to achieve your goal for who knows how long. However, the key to moving forward from either situation is the same; use the emotional drive to propel yourself towards your next...

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Finding Your Focus

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It is a simple question we ask of our children from the time they can talk and know what an astronaut is. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” We outline the possibility that they can be anything: a doctor, a space explorer, a dancer, a writer, a scientist, an artist. The possibilities seem absolutely boundless. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Do you want to pursue a passion for discovery, charting unknown territories of the deep sea, the human body, outer space? Do you want to create art, visual, auditory, or otherwise, that...

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Looking Backwards: Achievements in 2015

Although the Romans borrowed many deities from the Greek pantheon, the god Janus can be called particularly their own. Often thought to be the root for our month “January” (although there is some debate about this), Janus was the god of transitions, beginnings and endings. He is often depicted with two faces; one looking backwards and the other looking forwards. So, as we move into 2016 and begin to make good on our various resolutions and goals, it is important to do as Janus does and look back at all we have accomplished in 2015. Like many people, I often have difficulty measuring my own...

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