Ten Quick Resume Tips

Let’s be honest: creating a resume is hard, especially if it’s been awhile. You are challenged to fit all your employment history, qualifications, education, certifications, interests, hobbies, and personal information onto a one–to-two page document. Oh, and it needs to look nice. Scared yet? Yeah, me too. But take a deep breath, because it’s actually not all that bad. Here for you I have provided ten quick tips to help your next resume dress to impress! Make some lists. Before you even begin your resume, create bullet-pointed lists of your past experience, volunteer work, awards,...

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5 Quick Tips About Networking on LinkedIn for Introverts

I’m on LinkedIn; now what? This question is frequently posed once someone’s set up an account and is stymied by “what’s next.” What should you being doing with your LinkedIn profile? How do you use LinkedIn to network effectively, especially if you’re not a naturally outgoing person? Picture yourself in a real-life networking situation. There are people moving easily around the room, making introductions, and gathering contact information to follow up with later. If this makes your heart race with anxiety, then building your network online offers a definite advantage. Tip #1: Like in-person...

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4 Ways to Create a Memorable Candidate Profile

If someone views your LinkedIn profile or resume, do they understand your unique skills and career goals in the first 7 seconds? If you struggle with how to make yourself stand out, these tips will help you showcase your best qualities. Integrating essential keywords can jumpstart your interview request rate because you’re connecting the dots between your experience and the needs of a potential employer. By threading in words that are industry relevant and position specific, you set yourself up for quicker, more accurate matches with career opportunities. When delineating your...

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