10 Strategies For Overcoming Interview Nervousness – Part #2

Last week we shared the first 5 of 10 strategies to help you overcome interview nervousness. Today, we will share the final 5, helping you reduce stress and ace your next interview.

Strategy #6 – Have Some Fun. I know it sounds cliché, but enjoy the process. And to help you reduce some of your anxiety, head out for some fun the day before. Go to the movies, get pampered, spend time with friends. You’ll improve your mood and be better prepared to wow your potential boss the next day.

Strategy #7 – Exercise. Those little things called endorphins are at play here and will help you feel energized and ready to perform at your best. So get your blood pumping. Go for a walk or hike, bike ride, do yoga or any other physical activity that makes you feel alive.

Strategy #8 – Sleep. Often the night before you won’t get a lot of sleep as you’ll be thinking about your upcoming interview. So to be as rested as possible, try going to bed a little early a couple of nights before to help. Get as much of a full nights rest the evening before as possible to feel fresh and awake.

Strategy #9 – Arrive Early. This one is very important and should just be 5 minutes before. Aim for arriving to the parking lot 30 minutes early. This will allow you important buffer time should you run in to road construction, car accidents or heavy traffic that slows your progress. Once you arrive, use the extra time to review answers, take deep breaths and prepare. Enter the building about 10 minutes before your interview time.

Strategy #10 – Nourish & Hydrate. Food is meant to provide nutrition and give you the right energy. To perform at your best, avoid foods that could make you feel ill, have lingering smells or heavy carbs that may make you tired. Remember to not eat too much and drink plenty of water to be hydrated.

Implementing any or all of these 10 strategies shared in this blog and the blog last week will help you be better prepared for your upcoming interview and allow you to enjoy the process. Wishing you the best!