Optimizing your LinkedIn profile for AI & Machine Learning

LinkedIn is the place to showcase your skills and accomplishments. It is also one of the best sources for Recruiters and Hiring Managers to find top talent. For this reason, it is critical that you have not only an engaging profile but one that is optimized to attract companies that you would be interested in working for.

Over the next two weeks I will be sharing with you information regarding how LinkedIn responds to the content you have on your profile as well as how you can increase your visibility through engagement.  For this post, let’s review how LinkedIn works.

As a brief overview, AI is basically the intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans. Machine learning is where a computer system is fed large amounts of data, which it then uses to learn how to carry out a specific task, such as understanding speech or captioning a photograph. Within LinkedIn, everything you do, from liking a post, watching a video or making a comment is consider an Affinity Action and is evaluated by the system to make decisions regarding the content you see in your newsfeed and the job suggestions that are sent to you.

To better understand the importance of your Affinity Actions and Optimization, I want to give you some insight to how hiring managers find you. Most recruiters and organizations that have an on-going need for hiring will use a dashboard through LinkedIn called Recruiter Lite. This system is the most common platform subscribed to by companies to assist in their recruiting efforts. This program allows recruiters to specify what skills they want via a general search or through what is called a Boolean search. For those like me that might need a refresher, a Boolean search uses “and” between two words (for example, ” pear AND apple”) and requires both words to be included in search results. So, in the case of a career search, this might be using skills and top titles such as Customer Service Manager “AND” CRM.

To ensure that you are matched to the custom searches, you need to be sure that you have optimized your profile. Top sections to pay attention to are your Headline, Skills Section and the Job Preferences tab. Be sure that key words you use in these areas are in alignment with job descriptions that you are interested in.

Next week we will discuss how to engage with potential employers for optimal visibility. For those of you that want an extra level of support in optimizing your profile, we offer a complete training session and profile optimization service. Contact us at info@careersolutionsgroup.net or 970-224-4042 to schedule a complimentary initial consultation to learn more.